1999--These pages are part of the Schuyler co., NY Genweb page.  Not for commercial use.
  Photos are not to be used without permission from Linda Z. O'Halloran.

(from old maps of the area)

   (Genealogy of Mr. Francis Stout's horse!)

(3 pgs. only)


Brown, O.S.,  Pastor Baptist church, Odessa P.O.
Beach, Wm. H., Physician. Also keeps a general variety store. Pure
     drugs, medicines and choice family groceries a specialty.
     Catharine P.O.
Beadsley, S.C., Farmer. P.O. Catharine.
Beadsley, Lewis, 1st Farmer, P.O Catharine. (probably Beardsley)
Catlin, H.B., Farmer, P.O. Odessa.
Cooper, P., Farmer, P.O. Catharine.
Elliott, Daniel, Farmer, P.O. Alpine.
Ervay, Julius, Farmer and Collector, P.O. Alpine.
Farr, J.B., Farmer, P.O. Alpine.
Krum, Daniel, Farmer and P.M. and Proprietor of Lawrence Hotel.
Lockhart, R.B., Proprietor of the Odessa Mills, and dealer in all kinds
     of grain, making custom work a specialty.  Flour, buckwheat flour
     and feed of all kinds constantly on hand; all kinds of grain
     cleaned at the Mill, &c. Odessa P.O.
Lyon, Jesse, Farmer and P.M.  Catharine P.O.
Lawrence, A.,  Farmer, P.O. Lawrence.
Lewis, Peter, Farmer and Stock grower. P.O. Cayutaville.
Mitchell, Burr, Dealer in full line of groceries, teas, coffee, spices,
     &c., hair oils, perfumeries, fancy goods, Yankee Notions, &c.
     Confectionery and stationery, collars and neck ties, soaps of all
     kinds. Lamps, globes and wooden ware, tobacco and cigars of the
     best brands, and other general merchandise.  Odessa P.O.
Misner, C., Farmer and Stock grower, P.O. Odessa.
Mackey, Mathew, Farmer and Thresher, P.O. Lawrence.
Mix, S., Farmer, P.O. Odessa.
Millspaugh, Daniel, Farmer, P.O. Alpine.
Paine, George W., Dealer in general hardware, tinware, cutlery, saddlery
     goods, crockery.  Odessa P.O.
Ray, Wm., Farmer, P.O. Alpine.
Sydney, Wm. J., Farmer and Stock grower,  P.O. Cayutaville.
Smith, Ananias, Farmer,  P.O. Cayutaville. 
Stout, Francis, Farmer and owner of the celebrated stallion George Clay,
     sired by Henry Clay, Jr. - he by old Henry Clay, whose dam was a St.
     Lawrence Mare, sired by Burger's St. Lawrence.  P.O. Odessa.
     [Additional notes:  Francis Stout was a descendent of a former slave who came
      from New Jersey, Aaron Stout.  Aaron Stout was the first recorded African
      American in the Schuyler County area.  He lived on Newtown Road which ran
      north out of Odessa.  At one time Aaron Stout had about 600 acres & gave
      acreage to his children as they got married.  There was a General Stout who
      came to the Schuyler area & was reportedly a Rev. War veteran & a former
      slave owner from New Jersey.  New Jersey was one of the first states to free slaves.]
Tum, Geo., Proprietor fo the Catharine Highland Nurseries. Having on
     hand and for sale a large variety of fruit and ornamental trees,
     small fruits, shrubs, vines, roses and green house plants, &c. Our
     trees are all raised on upland, which make them preferable for
     transplanting. P.O. Catharine.
Todd, Daniel, Farmer and dealer in sheep, cattle, butter, &c.  P.O.
Ward, Anson H., Agent for the Fireside Friend. Also Mape's Super
     Phosphate.  P.O. Odessa.
Woodward, Gilbert, Farmer P.O. Odessa.
Winton, Geo., Farmer and proprietor of cider mill, shingle mill, turning
     lathe, planing mill, &c.  P.O. Alpine.


Brown, S.S., Farmer and proprietor of saw mill.  Having on hand a large
     assortment of pine and hemlock lumber for sale, also all kinds of
     custom work.  P.O. Cayuta.
Bolyan, S.C., Farmer and blacksmith, and all kinds of iron work done
     upon wagons and carriages, also repairing of all kinds.  Making
     horse shoeing a specialty.  Alpine P.O.
Dakin, Edgar, Farmer, Alpine P.O.
Fitzgerald, Jacob, Farmer, P.O. Cayuta.
Fleming, Thos., Farmer, P.O. Cayuta.
Graham, A., Carpenter and joiner. Also proprietorof the Alpine Planing
     Mill, and do all kinds of job work.  Alpine P.O.
Hall, M.D., Farmer and dealer in land, lumber, cattle, sheep, village
     lots, &c.  Alpine P.O.
Lockerby, John H., Farmer, P.O. Alpine.
Moore, L.W. & Co., Proprietors of Alpine Tannery.  Alpine P.O.
Mallory, Wm. P., Farmer and traveling agent. Alpine P.O.
Root, Wm. J., Farmer, P.O. Cayuta.
Smith, C.B., Proprietor of Lion House.  Alpine P.O.
Swartwood, C.R., Proprietor of Cayuta House.  P.O. Cayuta.
Wood, H., Manufacturer of wagons, carriages, sleighs, cutters, &c. in
     the best style.  Also all kinds of repairing done promptly, and at
     reasonable rates.  Alpine P.O.
Wager, J.D., Dealer in dry goods, groceries, drugs, boots and shoes,
     cloths, ready-made clothing, notions and general merchandise.  All
     kinds of country produce taken in exchange for goods.  Also wool
     and agricultural implements, commission and insurance. Alpine P.O.

HAVANA (now Montour Falls) BUSINESS NOTICES-1874

Ball, A.G., Editor of Havana Journal.
Barber, Amos, Proprietor of woolen factory and manufacturer of cloth,
   flannels, yarns, &c.
Brink, Samuel, Farmer.
Bassett, I.J., Carpenter and joiner.
Cook, Elbert P., Banker.
Cook, E.W., President of the Bank of Havana. (owned lots of land in the
Corwin, G., Trustee of the Village.
Durkee, A.S., Farmer.
Dean, William, Physician and surgeon.
Decker, Simon, Resident.
Erskine, E.W. & R.R., Carpenters and Joiners, and Proprietors of
   Prospect Hill vineyard, also dealers in fruits of all kind. Grapes
   a specialty.
Fanton, Hull, Lawyer.
Frost, E.D., Manager of the Cottage Nurseries.
Goodwin, F.D., Proprietor of the coal yard, all kinds of coal kept
constantly on hand. Office near the Depot.
Gillispie, W.C., President of the Village.
Hinman, Geo. T., Druggist.
Hendrick, J., Pastor of the Baptist church.
Holmes, C.P., Superintendent of Cook's machine shop.
Jobbitt, Andrew, Merchant.
Keeler, S.C., Lawyer.
Kendall, Edward, County Clerk.
Lybolt, Henry, Proprietor of the Magnetic Springs Sanitarium located in
     the village of Havana, between Havana and Watkins Glen.
Lyon, I.M., Resident.
Lyon, Hobart, Produce and commission merchant.
Martin, O.W., Farmer and speculator.
McClure, John, Farmer.
McLafferty, G.D., Farmer and dealer in stock and  produce.
Page, Wm. H., Editor of the Havana Enterprise.
Shelton, D.L., Merchant.
Squires, Gordon N., Manager of Montour House.
Smith, S.C., Resident.
Smelzer, B.F., Physician and surgeon.
Tracy, D., Merchant.
Weed, M.N., Merchant.


Coe, Asa, Farmer,  P.O. Havana (now Montour Falls)
Crofut, N.S., Farmer,  P.O. Millport, Chemung co.
Clauharty, S.A., Farmer, P.O. Havana
Doty, E., Farmer,  P.O. Havana
Jackson, J.M., Farmer,  P.O. Havana
Lee, I.D., Farmer,  P.O. Havana
Mandeville, E. K., Farmer and Stock Raiser. Dealer in Trotting Stock,
    P.O. Havana
Palmer, J.D., Farmer and dealer in fruit and ornamental tress,
shrubbery, &c.  P.O. Havana
Sears, Isaac, Farmer,  P.O. Odessa
Stone, Garry, Farmer,  P.O. Havana
Williams, S., Farmer,  P.O. Havana
Wickham, Clark, Farmer,  P.O. Havana


Carr, J.A., Farmer,  P.O. Sugar Hill
Crain, Charles W., Farmer, P.O. Orange
Fero, Isaac W.,     "       "   Bearer Dam (probably Beaver Dam)
Humiston, N.J., Dealer in dry goods, groceries, drugs &c.,  Orange P.O.
Hughey, R.S., Farmer,  P.O. Sugar Hill
Miller, Mrs. Nathan, Farmer, P.O. East Orange.
Miller, D. R., Farmer and lumberman, P.O. Orange
Murray, Thos. E.,  Proprietor of Orange House. Monterey. P.O. Orange.
Nichols, Harvey, Farmer, Supervisor of Orange, P.O. Sugar Hill.
Putman, C.S., firm A. Tucker & co., Proprietor of Cheese Factory,
Monterey, P.O. Orange.
Simmons, George, Farmer,  P.O. Bradford.
Sproul, A. C., Farmer, P.O. Tyrone.
Tucker, Alonzo, Dealer in dry goods, groceries, drugs, medicines, and
    manufacturer of tinware, Monterey, P.O. Orange.
Taylor, F.A., Farmer.  P.O. Orange.
Van Lien, I.V., Farmer, P.O. Tyrone.

Schuyler Co., NY Business Directory 1893-94, E.M. Child, publisher, 1893.
page 313  (Watkins Village)           typist's comments in [ ]

Durland, Smith & Co., (Lewis H. Durland, David H. Smith and George S. Coon,) hardware, stoves, tinware, plumbing, steam fitting, agricultural implements, paints, oils, house-builders' supplies generally, Fourth n Franklin (See adv't page 298).
Dusenberry, Joseph R., b. 1822 in Nassau, Rensselaer Co.  fruit farm  10 acres, 600  peach trees, 35 apple trees, 4 acres grapes, 200 pears, quinces and plums, on Corning road  17 cor 16, h do. [h=house; do=ditto?]
Edgar, Alma Deett, Mrs. S. ALden, boarding-house, owns farm 46 in hector, h Decatur cor Eighth.
Edgar, Olin M., b 1872, clerk for Roe & Burch, bds Eighth cor Decatur.  [probably boards at same address given above.]
Edgar, S. Alden, b 1847 in Bath, Steuben co., commercial agency, h Decator cor Eighth.
Egbert, Fred G., clerk for T.H. Abbey & Co. [T.H.Abbey was at 103 Franklin St. and was a proprietor of dry goods, carpets, fancy goods & notions, butterick patterns, etc.]
Eggleston, Mary, b. in Burdett, milliner, h Monroe n Steuben.
Ellas, George H., b 1828 in Bath [probably Steuben co.], upholsterer and furniture repairer over 3 Shelton Block, h Eighth n Porter.
Ellis, Emmet E., b 1841 in Yates Co., driver Fall Brook transfer bus, h Steuben St. n post-office.
Ellis, Grant, b 1834 in Covert, Seneca Co., notary public, dealer in coal, wood and agricultural implements, yard and office.  First, undivided interest in homestead farm in Hector, where his father Zalmon located in 1838, bds "The Kendall".
Ellis, Nettie G. Miss, compositor Watkins Express office, home at L.M. Gano's, Lake View Ave.
Ellis, Thomas, b 1848 in Tyrone, clerk in Durland, Smith & Co. hardware store, h Decatur n Twelfth.
ELLS, MORVALDON, b 1823 in Fairfield Co., Conn., newspaper, historical and summer resort writer, h  4 Fifth  Mr. Ells opened and brought in to public notice in 1863 the Watkins Glen as a summer resort, and as a result large hotels have been crowded, and from 50,000 to 75,000 visitors from this and foreign countries have visited the Glen annually.  He managed the Glen for seven years.
Empire Clothing Co. (H. Shulman and Charles Coleman), merchant tailors and ready made clothing, 69 Franklin.
Ensley, Frank N., b 1866, fireman N.C.Ry.  h Ninth cor Perry.
Erway, Amos J., b 1854 in Chatham, Tioga co., PA.  gardener for Mrs. Fox Holden, Bath, cor Steuben (R).


page 340-341 (Watkins Village)

Probasco, Marion V. Miss, daughter of J.V., clerk for Henry V. Haas, home with J.V., Ninth.
Pruden, Jennie R., widow of Horace, b in Ohio, housekeeper, h Monroe n Steuben.
Pruden, Joseph B., b 1873 in Havana, farm laborer, bds Monroe n Steuben [probably with mother].
Pruden, Myra B. Miss, b in Burdett, milliner, bds Monroe n Steuben.
Public Library, open Saturdays 3 to 5 and 7 to 9pm, Norton's law office, Madison Ave.
Pullen, James, b 1866 in England, stationary engineer for Electric Light & Power Co., h Eleventh n Decatur.
Purdie, Neil, resident at Sanitarium.
Purdy, Katie Miss, bath matron at Glen Springs Sanitarium.
Quinlan, Thomas, b 1826 in Ireland, laborer, h Magee n Ninth.
Quinn, Rose, cook Jefferson House, bds do. (I think this means boards at ditto=Jefferson House.)
Quirk, Hannah, widow of John, housekeeper, h Magee cor Ninth.
Quirk, John P., b 1869, clerk for H.V. Haas, bds with his mother, Magee St.
Randall, James M., b 1835 in New York, carpenter for Geo. R. White, h Sixth n Decatur.
Rarick, Ed. Mrs., employed at Glen Springs Sanitarium, h over 44 Franklin.
Rawson, Phoebe, widow of Ira, b in Cayuga co., resident, h Glen Ave. n Steuben (R).
Reckord, George, teamster for Grant Ellis, bds.
Reed, Edson W., b 1840 in Catharine, carpenter and joiner, h Second cor Steuben.
Reed, Elizabeth A., Mrs. Edson W., dressmaker for Mrs. States.
Reid, Charles H., b 1854 in Delhi, NY, cutter for F.L. Moran, bds Jefferson House.
Reynolds, Dan M., b 1854 in Alba, PA, clerk in Durland, Smith & Co. store, h Madison Ave. cor Cross, (R), owns h and 1/2 acre in Alba.
Reynolds, Ross A., tinsmith for Durland, Smith & Co., home at Elmira.
Rhoades, Herbert, b 1867 in Alleghany Co., shipping clerk for Goundrey Wagon Co., bds Fourth n Decatur.
RICHARDS, CHARLES N., b 1856 in Kent, Conn., billiards and saloon, Franklin cor Third, h Sixth n Porter.
Richardson, Morris, b 1856 in Pennsylvania, ticket agent at Glen Mountain House, resides do.
Rightmier, John H., b 1865 in Havana, laborer, h Third n Porter.
Ringer, John G., b 1858 in Dundee, Yates Co., coachman for John Lang, h Decatur cor Third.
Ringer, William, b 1860 in Dundee, bartender for C.N. Richards, h Monroe n Fourth.
Ritter, John A., chief clerk Glen Springs Sanitarium.
Robbins, Archibald, b 1812 in Lodi, carpenter, h Madison Ave. cor Partition (R).
Robbins, Clarence, b 1845 in Angelica, Allegany Co., tinsmith for H.L. DeMunn, bds with Archibald, Madison Ave. cor Partition (R).
Robbins, Edward, b 1841 in Belfast, Michigan, tinsmith, bds Madison Ave. cor Partition (R).
Roberts, Cyrus, b 1820 in Reading, justice of the peace, ex-Co. treasurer, h Monroe cor Cross (R).  His father, John, with two brothers, James & Joseph, settled on r 32.
Roberts, Lewis (Dennis & Roberts), h r 16, Dix.
Roberts, William, cashier Farmers, and Merchants' Bank, bds Glen City Hotel.
Robinson, Dyer, b 1812 in Otsego [Ostego?], apiarist 109 colonies, Tenth n Franklin, h do, came here in 1862.
Robinson, James A., b 1860 in Michigan, clerk Jefferson House, bds do.
ROE, DAVID, Jr., (Roe & Burch), farm, h Decatur cor Ninth.
ROE, FRED C., b 1854 in Caroline, NY (Roe & Hennessy), bds cor Decatur and Ninth.
Roe, John M., b 1850 in Brookton, NY, attorney and counselor-at-law, notary public, justice of the peace after January, 1894, 10 acres vineyard and 20 acres garden land in corporation, Baldwin block, Franklin, h Corning St.
ROE & BURCH (David Roe, Jr., James Burch), dry goods, carpets, cloaks, &c., e s Franklin.
ROE & HENNESSY (Fred C. Roe and James W. Hennessy), boots, shoes and rubber, 70 Franklin, business established 1867.
Rogers, Charles E., b. 1872, clerk for late F.W. Ingham.  bds with his mother Sarah, Magee [St.]

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