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[with many names of local people]

Town of Dix, Schuyler co., NY


Contributed by Irene Crout Johnson.


"The Havana Journal of  last week says:  We were pleased to notice on our streets on Tuesday morning of  the present week, the venerable Rosewell Wakely, who is almost up among the nineties.  He was walking as spry as an ordinary man of 45, and without the use of a cane.  Mr. Wakely has evidently walked into the village in the morning from his farm on the West Hill, nearly a mile distance. We congratulate him on his extraordinary vigor, and wish him (well)..."
From census data, Rosewell Wakely was born about 1788, so this item was written about 1877.
Rosewell Wakely came to the area about 1819 from Connecticut and married Catharine Cronk  (who was 10 yrs. younger than him) on May 7th, 18??. Catharine was born in Tompkins co.

ROSEWELL WAKELY  died 6 Feb 1878;  will dated 20 Jan 1860.
To the surrogate of the County of Schuyler.
The Petition of  Miner S Broderick of  the town of  Montour in the County of  Schuyler respectfully showeth:
The ROSEWELL WAKELY late of the town of Dix in the said County of Schuyler deceased, died in the said town of Dix on or about the Sixth day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and Seventy Eight.
ROSEWELL WAKELY LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT being at that time an inhabitant of the County of Schuyler  that he died, leaving a last Will and Testament, which is now produced in the Surrogate’s Court of the said County of Schuyler before the said Surrogate, which bear date the 20th day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and Sixty and by which said last Will and Testament the said deceased nominated and appointed Minor Broderick of Havana Schuyler County New York executor thereof  that the said deceased died possessed of Real and personal estate in the said County of Schuyler and that the following named persons are heirs at law and next of kin of the said deceased, and their  respective ages and places of residence are as follows.
ROSEWELL WAKELY aged 52 Residence Havana, Schuyler Co., NY
CAROLINE ERWAY    aged 50 Residence of  Dodge County, Wisconsin
MALISSA CRONK       aged 48 Residence Dix, Schuyler County, NY
MARY A STRADER    aged 46 Residence Lynn County, Missouri
LOUSIA WAKELY       aged 44 Residence Dix, Schuyler County, NY

The Petitioner Minor Broderick  declared to discharge the duty of  Executor of the last Will and Testament..  He signed his name and dated it  at Watkins, March 4th 1878
Oliver Hurd Surrogate

In the matter of the final Accounting of MT Broderick Executor of  the Estate Of Rosewell Wakely, deceased.  He stated that one of  the legatis under said will, to wit, Mary A Strader resides  without the state of  New York and at the St Catherines, Lynn Co. Mo. and the Administrator of another Legater  Caroline Erway deceased, being  William W Erway, resides within the state of  New York and at Beaver Dams, Dodge Co., Wisconsin.
Citations were published in the Watkins Express and Havana Journal, once a week for six weeks.
Below is the final accounting of the Estate 1878.
 M.T. BRODERICK EXECUTOR. In Aper with the Estate of Rosewell Wakely
 SCHEDULE A_______________________________________________________________
APRIL 15   CASH from   JACOB BACKER,  int. on note        26.25
                       C BRAMBLE       for hay             4.00
                       TRS OF COOK ACADEMY   int on note  67.76
                       wheat sold                          3.75
APRIL 17               JOHN MILLS 3 plains                  .40
                       H. GANN       Vendor Sale            .97
                       H. H. HARRINTON     Vendor Sale      .45
                       D CRONK       Vender Sale           1.70
                       J.SHERRER          “                 .64
                       J. HENDRIX         “                 .25
                       W.DURKEE           “                1.61
                       THOS SMITH         “                 .51
                       GEORGE AUSTIN      “                 .40
                       S GANNUNG          “                1.27
                       A AUSTIN           “                2.40
                       J STROWBRIDGE      “                 .53
                       J STIRDIVANT       “                1.20
                       L A RENO           “                 .90
                       J  OXID/UXID(?)    “                 .15
                       A BENNETT          “                 .66
                       G POST             “                1.50
                       J M SMITH          “                 .96
                       M KNOX             “                2.74
APRIL   17 CASH  from  S GANNUNG      vendor sale          5.40
                       JA CRAWFORD        “                2.98
                       C DURAL            “                 .57
                       W BENNETT          “                3.05
                       JOHN RHODES        “                2.39
                       LEWIS              “               40.00
                       N CLEVLAND         “                1.33
                       L THOMPSON         “                1.67
APRIL   28             G D MCLAFERTY     Inv              10.00
JUNE    11             WM DURKEE         Pork              8.80
                       MRS LUNGER        bed              11.75
                       MRS LUNGER        hay              10.60
AUG 16                 H CRONK           tea kettle         .50
                       DD LEFLER         wheat           149.57
SEPT 12                H CRONK           Barley           30.58
                       J CRAWFORD        Note             26.75
     16                H CRONK           Wood              2.00
     21                JOHN KNAPP        Note             28.00   2.00
     28                (?)NIGHTHART      Note              9.15    .33
OCT  29               MARY A STRADER money from  D’ecd   200.00  50.17
                       NE KNOX     on sale of farm      1500.00
NOV  26                L THOMPSON        hay               5.22
DEC  12                L THOMPSON        hay               5.17
     18                N KNOX            hay              10.00
     19                L THOMPSON        hay               7.26
                       P CRAMER          Note             16.30
JAN'Y 1                N KNOX        on mortgage        1000.00
      7                MRS HENRY         vendor            4.56
     13                NANCY STAMP   on mortgage         300.00
                       EP LEWIS          rent             30.00
     23                H CRONK           corn              6.00
                       H CRONK           oats             12.00
 FEB                   N KNOX            hay               7.00
                                         cider             5.40
                       ?GANO             ton &apples       5.50
 FEB        cash from  EP LEWIS          vendor           21.22   1.23
 MAR 7                 ?_W MARTIN        vendor            5.05
APR  1                 N STAMP           mortgage        230.00
     8                 J BACKER          note            153.44
                       H CRONK           note            315.16   21.05
                       A MCCARTY         vender           11.08
MAY  8                 N KNOX            mortgage       1000.00
                       H CRONK           vender           25.76
                       J BACKER          Note            221.56    27.54
MAY  8    CASH FROM    E PERSONIUS       note             14.25     1.50

JAN'Y 5                NANCY STAMP       mortgage       2470.00   129.68
                       COOK              Judgement       968.00   173.35
                       COSTS                               9.35
APL 9                  MC LEFERTY        mortgage        150.00    23.90
                       MC LEFERTY        costs          9059.96   572.43

        TOTAL                        96032.39

APRIL 1878   PAID BY           FOR ACCOUNT BOOK         .15
                          WIRNEFF?  TO WILL            1.50
                          hire  of  horse Buggy        1.00
APRIL 2                   hire of horse Buggy          1.00
      9                   hire of horse buggy          1.00
      13                  hire of horse Buggy          1.00
      17                  Auctioneer                   6.00
      18                  Auctioneer     Clerk         3.50
      20                  for printing Bills           1.50
      27                  L THOMPSON                   2.00
MAY    2                  EB WAGER, PHY BILL          26.50
JULY   2                  CAROLYN WAKELY              50.00
SEPT   7                  CAROLYN WAKELY              40.00
OCT    3                  SCHOOL TAX                   4.37
       10                 CAROLYN WAKELY               8.33
       29                 RS WAKELY
                          for his MALISSA CRONK &
                          LOUISA WAKELY ON LEGACIES  1050.00
                          CAROLYN ERWAY               350.00
                          MARY A STRADER              350.00
NOV     8                 SCHOOL TAX                    1.92

JAN'Y  15                 STATE & COUNTY TAX           42.04
        7                 MARY A STRADER ON LEGACY    350.00
       23                 MELISSA CRONK               400.00
                          LOUISA WAKELY               421.17
       18                 LD GOODWIN  APRS.             2.32
MARCH  17                 CW MARTIN ROAD TAX          11.00
                          CW MARTIN     APPRAISER       2.00
                          Apper                         3.50
APR.    8                 CAROLYN ERWAY LEGACY        350.00
                          LOUISA WAKELY               277.08
       12                 MELISSA CRONK               337.21
MAY     7                 LOUISA WAKELY               123.00 
MAY    10 BY CASH         LOUISA  WAKELY LEGACY       238.00
       14                 MARY A STRADER              361.43
JUNE    8                 MALISSA CRONK               324.45
                          CAROLINE ERWAY              360.72
APL     8                 AA BALL        PRINTING       5.00
AUG     7                 CO CLERK, DOCKING JUDGEMENT    .60
                          CITY AND CONSTABLES FEES     18.00
JANY    5                 MALISSA  CRONK  LEGACY      520.41
                          LOUISA  WAKELY    “         520.41
                          M.A. STRADER      “         520.41
                          R.S. WAKELY       “         520.41
                          CAROLINE ERWAY    “         520.41
                          NOTARY                         .25
                          CO CLERK DOCKING JUDGEMENT     .60
                          ATTY IN     COOK CASE         7.00
                          CONSTABLE      “              2.60
                          ATTY AND CLK   “              3.60
                          SHERIFF        “               .75
MAY    19                 C J GROSS   FOR TOMBSTONES   27.00
                          FOR PAPERS                     .10
OCT     1                 R S WAKELY     LEGACY       230.14
                          MALISSA CRONK    “          230.14
                          MARY A STRADER   “          230.14
                          LOUISE WAKELY    “          230.14
                          M ERWAY ADAMS    “          230.14
                          DEED TO  ( ? KNO)             2.00

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